La Familia Movements is a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization and donations are tax deductible.

LFM Back To School Program

La Familia Movements Foundation is already looking ahead to the fall back-to-school rush by kicking off its school supplies donation drive today. 

Imagine a child going back to school on the first day with a comfortable back pack, new shoes and that perfect binder to organize important paperwork. Showing up on the first day of school feeling prepared, confident and ready to conquer the new year. In order to feel like that you need all the essential back to school items. Unfortunately that list is getting longer and longer each year and it's getting harder for parents to get those supplies for their children. We need your help to make the first day of school sensational for the students in our communities. 

✏️#2 Pencils
🖍 Crayons
🎗 Glue Sticks
🎗Pink Erasers
🎗Broad Tip Markers
 ✂️ Pair of blunt nosed scissors
🎗Pencil Case or Box
🎗1 box of 8 crayons (basic colors)
🎗Wide‐Ruled Spiral Bound Notebook
🎗Pencil Sharpeners
🎗1 yellow highlighter
📓 1 marble cover composition notebooks
 🎗Plastic Two‐Pocket Folders (without prongs)
Thank you for your support!
Our mission is to set free disadvantaged communities from indifference, lack of knowledge and opportunities.

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